

如果你是一家考虑回流的制造商, 你可能会权衡把生产带回国内的利弊. 重新支撑 has gained traction as companies like yours look for ways to optimize their supply chains, 减少漏洞, 重新获得对运营的控制权. 但你可能会想,“回流对我的企业来说是正确的做法吗??“这是一个重大的决定, 虽然潜在的好处是显著的, 在做决定之前,你要仔细考虑所有的因素.



重新支撑 brings manufacturing and production operations back to your company’s home country after being outsourced. 这与离岸外包恰恰相反, where businesses move these activities abroad for lower labor costs or other benefits. 重新支撑 can involve a full relocation of production or just specific aspects of the supply chain, 如装配或包装.


许多公司, 包括沃尔玛这样的知名超市, Zentech, 毛毛虫, 和GE航空, 近年来是否已经将部分业务迁回美国. 最近的一项调查报告 《全球最大的赌钱网》的调查显示,69%的美国人认为.S. 制造商已经开始将他们的供应链回流.” 

A significant driver of the shift to reshoring was the 供应链中断 that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, 到2022年还会增加更多. 在这个不确定的时期, 许多公司意识到,国际供应链面临着脆弱性, 所以他们开始寻找更有弹性的, 本地化运输解决方案.

Other factors influencing the shift towards reshoring include increased labor costs in many countries and the affordability of automation. National policies encouraging reshoring for domestic manufacturing, which opened up 税务优惠及补助金,在这一趋势的增长中也发挥了重要作用.



  • 创造就业机会当前位置回流最直接的好处之一是创造就业机会. 通过把制造业带回他们的祖国, 公司可以为当地社区提供就业机会. 这有助于降低失业率,刺激经济增长. 此外, these jobs often come with higher wages and better working conditions than those in offshore locations.
  • 质量控制: 回流允许公司保持更严格的产品质量控制. 当公司在当地生产时, they can more easily monitor production processes and ensure they meet standards. 这可以导致更高质量的产品和更少的缺陷, 提高公司的声誉和客户满意度. 
  • 缩短交货时间: Manufacturing products closer to the consumer market significantly reduces lead times. 缩短交货时间使公司能够迅速适应需求的波动, 尽量减少库存短缺或库存过剩的风险. 
  • 供应链弹性: 最近的全球混乱, 比如COVID-19大流行, 是否突显了全球供应链的脆弱性. 重新支撑 can make supply chains more resilient by reducing dependency on international suppliers. 
  • 更低的运输成本: Companies can significantly reduce 运输成本 by producing goods closer to the end consumer. 国际运输货物既昂贵又费时. 重新支撑 helps reduce these costs and minimize the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation, 帮助企业更轻松地实现可持续发展目标.
  • 知识产权保护: American companies operating overseas face significant concerns regarding intellectual property (IP) theft, 特别是在知识产权执法薄弱的国家. 重新支撑 helps protect sensitive technologies and proprietary processes by keeping them within jurisdictions with strong IP laws.


  • 更高的劳动力成本: One of the primary reasons companies operate offshore is to benefit from lower labor costs. 重新支撑 typically involves higher labor costs, which can increase overall production expenses. Companies must balance these costs with the benefits of reshoring and find ways to maintain profitability.
  • 初始投资: 回流通常需要大量的初始投资. Companies may need to build new facilities, purchase equipment, and train local workers. 这些前期成本可能很大,并带来财务挑战, 尤其适合中小企业.
  • 有限的熟练劳动力: Depending on the industry, a shortage of skilled workers may be available domestically. 许多发达国家制造业的衰落导致了技能缺口. Companies may need to invest in training and education programs to develop the necessary workforce, 哪一种既耗时又昂贵.
  • 供应链中断: While reshoring can make supply chains more resilient, it can also cause short-term disruptions. Transitioning production from one location to another involves logistical challenges, 如移动机械和材料. Companies must plan carefully to minimize disruptions during the reshoring process. 与一个 物流合作伙伴 who manages complex transitions ensures minimal disruption and a smooth reshoring process.
  • 法规遵从性: 国内制造通常意味着要遵守更严格的监管标准. 这些法规可以包括劳动法, 环境法规, 安全标准, 哪些会增加合规成本. Companies must navigate these regulations to ensure they do not face legal issues or penalties.
  • 更高的生产成本: Besides higher labor costs, other production costs may also be higher in the home country. 这些成本包括能源成本、原材料成本和税收. Companies need to assess whether the benefits of reshoring outweigh these additional costs.


那么,如何成功地实现回流呢? 这需要周密的计划和战略性的决策. Your business should consider several factors when working to add reshoring to your operational strategies. 以下是成功的回流战略的一些基本要素:


首先,进行彻底的成本效益分析. 你可以考虑人工成本, 运输成本, 质量的提高, 供应链中断, 以及其他相关成本. Your supply chain partner can support this process by offering detailed analysis and strategic insights, ensuring that your reshoring efforts are financially viable and operationally sound.


Investing in technology and automation can offset some of the higher labor costs of reshoring. 先进制造技术, 比如人工智能和自动化, 能减少对体力劳动的依赖吗.


Many governments offer incentives such as tax breaks, grants, and subsidies to encourage reshoring. 探索可用的政府项目, 例如AM Forward(增材制造Forward), 这是拜登政府的倡议, can help to reduce the financial burden of reshoring and make the transition more feasible.


Partnering with local suppliers and businesses can facilitate a smoother transition to reshoring. Local partners offer valuable insights into their respective regions of the domestic market and assist in navigating regulatory and logistical challenges.


Companies can start by reshoring a portion of their production and gradually increasing domestic operations. This allows for a more controlled transition and provides an opportunity to address challenges as they arise.


全球最大的赌钱网 supports companies in reshoring by providing tailored logistics solutions, 包括可伸缩 全球最大的赌钱网分销,以及当地合作伙伴网络. 具有管理复杂供应链的专业知识, 墨菲确保平稳过渡, 减少交货时间和运输成本, 并保持高质量和合规标准. 事实证明 供应链公司,我们的灵活性 物流服务 允许简单的回流解决方案, thanks to our strength at helping businesses empower their teams to gradually and efficiently bring production back home.


在考虑回流的好处时, 你可能专注于提高产品质量和灵活性. 回流恰恰可以实现这一点. 把你的业务带回国内, 您可以更好地控制质量并简化流程. +, reshoring offers the added benefits of enhanced supply chain visibility and more control over sustainability practices. 

然而,担心潜在的挑战是很自然的. Collaborate with local partners who understand the domestic market to make your reshoring efforts successful. Integrating the right technology into your manufacturing processes will help you stay competitive. 最后, conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis is essential to ensuring a financially viable and strategically sound transition. 用正确的方法, 回流的好处远远大于任何缺点, 为公司的长期成功做准备.